Thermal Fabrics

El: 30 de June

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A trend at home and in hotels is to combine technology to reduce energy consumption and increase privacy, improving rest and well-being. Technical and functional fabrics are increasingly valued by interior designers for residential use. Thermal, functional fabrics reduce energy consumption.

Thermal comfort is mainly governed by the operating temperature inside the home, office, or hotel. This depends on the air temperature, the air speed and the temperatures of the adjoining surfaces.

Sun protection devices influence thermal comfort in three aspects:
• The average operating temperature and / or the cooling loads are influenced by the solar inputs which depend on the dimensions of the windows and the total transmittance of solar energy gtot.
• They can cause higher local operating temperature values ​​when irradiated by the sun due to higher temperatures on the inner surface of the glazing or sun protection device.
• This effect is quantified by the secondary indoor heat transfer factor.
• The reflection and transmittance (solar and light) of each sample are measured in a range of wavelengths established in the standard.
• Then the chosen glazing value is applied (in our case, transparent single glazing) and with this data and the reflection and transmission values ​​the gtot value is obtained.
• The lower the value and the closer to 0 the better the effect.

Please ask our sales team about this innovative line of fabrics and differentiate yourself from your competitors. Night, Saten dimout, Darken and many more.
