Satin is a fabric that is distinguished by its elegant outer sheen, optimum consistency and softness. The fabric contains two sets of threads, the warp and the weft. On one side, the warp extends along the fabric and the weft extends from one side to the other. The satin gets its smooth and shiny touch thanks to the long threads formed by the weft threads on the right side. One side of the fabric is usually more matt than the other. Satin is a fabric that tends to be luxurious at a lower cost than silk. It is used in different applications, such as fashion products or home decoration especially in curtains, cushions and upholstery of little use.
The life of the satin begins as cotton fiber, which is then mercerized to soften the fabric. This process causes the cotton to create shine through the use of sodium hydroxide (bleach). The cotton fibres are immersed in this product and then rinsed in an acid neutralising bath. The gloss appears at the moment the fabric is pensioned during the mercerization process. It is important to note that satin maintains its colour optimally and is glossy to the touch and sight by the process described above.
Satin is a delicate fabric that must be taken care of conscientiously so that its life is more lasting. Thus, it is convenient to clean it dry and should be hung dry, taking care not to twist or wring it. As for its best uses for the home, tablecloths or sheets stand out, among other products that we have indicated above.
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